FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

  • East Coast Regional Conference Early Registration is $99 for Adults 26 & up until January 15, 2025 GOOD NEWS! The Early Registration rate has been extended (does not include Hotel)
  • East Coast Regional Conference Early Registration is $75 for Destiny Daughterz ages 16 – 25  until January 15, 2025 GOOD NEWS! The Early Registration rate has been extended (does not include Hotel)
  • Hotel room rate is $163.33 per night (rate includes tax)

NOTE: You must register FIRST in order to receive the link for the special room rate. 

Yes. Unpaid fees will be settled on site when registrant arrives at the registration table.

Yes. For questions, please contact Sister Josephine Bennett (205) 657-4700 or facalabama@gmail.com

Hotel discounted rates and other amenities are reserved for those who have registered for the East Coast Regional Conference. Unfortunately, there’s a history of some that used the discount, yet did not register. While others indicated their intent to register but did not. These actions (or inaction) was out of order and compromised the financial integrity of IWMA. Additionally, problems arose that IWMA will not repeat moving forward. Following your registration, you’ll receive all pertinent information to complete your hotel booking.

Breakfast for hotel guests is included in your hotel booking. All other meals are on your own.

See flyer below. However, transportation is NOT included in your registration fee. Transportation services are complimentary, including but not limited to and from the airport are available, click HERE For transportation to East Coast Regional Conference Excursion, Click/Tap HERE

Friday May 2, 2025 2:59PM CT


Casual wear is recommended during the day. However, in the event that sessions are held at Faith Apostolic Church; Ladies, no pants please.

You may wear pants for the excursion.

Church attire is appropriate for the night services.

For vending registration, please contact Sis Angelnette Thomas at (205) 213-9098 or angelnette46@gmail.com.

All night services are FREE and open to the public.

We recommend that you stay safe according to your individual health and wellness. We will continue to follow recommended guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC.gov. Masks are optional. However, for the sake of others, please exercise wise judgment if you are coughing, sneezing or have a temperature (our recommendation with these symptoms, please stay home).

See content below.

Details regarding T-Shirt Night have yet to be determined. However, the GOOD NEWS is that the EARLY REGISTRATION rate has been EXTENDED! 

Refer to IWMA Facebook or Instagram Social Media channels

Refund Policy

Thank you for wanting to participate in the East Coast Regional Conference. Please be mindful of the I.W.M.A. refund policy listed below.

    • If the East Coast Regional Conference is canceled due to inclement weather, COVID-19, COVID VARIANTS, or any other dangerous epidemic, the East Coast Regional Conference will be rescheduled, and paid registrations will be applied to the rescheduled event.


All registration cancellations and refund requests should be submitted by postal mail, Attention: District Elder Rhonda Williams- I.W.M.A. Treasurer- P.O. Box 3799 Lawton, OK 73502 or email to rhondawilliamsfl@hotmail.com and the host Regional Treasurer Evangelist Linda Teemer-Baker lindateemer@hotmail.com submitted by the East Coast Regional Conference participant. 

    • Please allow 60 days to process all approved cancellations.
    • A full refund, minus processing fees, will be issued if a cancellation is received 90 days prior to the East Coast Regional Conference.
    • A 50% refund, minus the processing fees, will be issued if a cancellation is received 60 days prior to the East Coast Regional Conference.


  • If a paid registrant is unable to attend the East Coast Regional Conference, the registration may be transferred to another person by sending written notification to the host Regional Treasurer Evangelist Linda Teemer-Baker lindateemer@hotmail.com and the I.W.M.A. Treasurer, 30 days prior to the event.
2025 IWMA East Coast Choir Letter